Fertility Preservations

Freezing for the Future

As life and relationships can be unpredictable, preservation of your eggs, sperm or embryos has become an acceptable way for men and women who may wish to keep their options open in terms of reproduction. Cancer treatment is one of the most plausible reasons for fertility Preservation. However, elective preservation of egg, sperm or embryos as a back-up plan is on the rise, albeit debatable.

Why Fertility Preservation ?

Patients may wish to preserve fertility, if they intend to –

  • Delay child bearing
  • Allow treatment of a medical condition which may affect future fertility
  • Allow storage of eggs, sperm or embryos prior to cancer treatment
Why Fertility Preservation

Common ways of Fertility Preservation?

The common types of fertility preservation include

Egg Preservation

Women who are

  • at a risk of premature ovarian failure (POF).
  • at a risk of losing ovary function due to cancer treatments.
  • at a risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome or endometrial hyperplasia.
  • wanting to postpone childbearing or use an egg donation program.
  • having surplus eggs for the next use.
Common ways of Fertility Preservation

Embryo Preservation

Women who are

  • having surplus embryos after IVF
  • at a high risk of developing severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in IVF.
Embryo Preservation

Sperm Preservation

Men who are

  • at a high risk of losing testicular function following cancer chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
  • having difficulty producing sample on the day of fertility treatment
  • going to be away during the partners fertility treatment
  • planning to donate sperm
Sperm Preservation

In some cases, testicular tissue and ovarian tissue can be preserved.

Fertility Preservation Process

Egg / Embryo Preservation is done by the process of freezing known as vitrification. This is a technique which cools them at a very fast rate, such that the tissue is preserved in a glass like state without the formation of damaging ice crystals.

The freezing of sperm and embryos is easier compared to egg freezing. Egg freezing is a more experimental approach to fertility preservation. Newer methods of freezing and thawing eggs are likely to make egg freezing more successful in future but currently success rate is around 6 – 8 %.

Approach to Fertility Preservation at CheQKmate

Social Fertility Preservation

Age related infertility in women is fast becoming one of the prime reasons for fertility preservation in women with the booming popularity of egg freezing. At CheQKmate, we encourage all initiatives that can educate women so that they can optimize their chances of having a family before the natural decline of ovarian function. However we understand that for some women, delaying child bearing may be unavoidable. In such cases, we'll help you take a right call considering -

  • Importance of child bearing at an appropriate age Vs fertility preservation
  • Egg Freezing Vs Embryo Freezing
  • Possibility of not being able to bear a child with the use of egg / embryo freezing

Note: Consider Social Egg freezing as a hope, not a promise; a Gamble, not a Guarantee

Medical Fertility Preservation

If you intend to have fertility preservation done prior to cancer treatment (chemotherapy / radiotherapy), we'll work in close collaboration with your oncologist team to ensure that we do not, in any way, lessen the chances of your cancer treatment being successful. Also we will suggest you the most appropriate form of fertility preservation depending on the relationship with your partner and other social circumstances.

For women who intend to freeze their eggs/embryos for social reason, we'll discuss with you the pros and cons of the appropriateness of fertility preservation.